Orange is the Color of Gratitude - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Monday, April 22, 2024

Orange is the Color of Gratitude


I am grateful for the kindness of sunshine 

I am grateful for my morning pages - their wisdom and guidance even though I was unaware the effect reading them a week later would have

I am grateful for this moment, with the late sun shining on my face and my pages - illuminating me


I am grateful for the task at hand, the one that pulls me kicking and screaming where I really want to go

I am grateful for words that surround me, that inspire and remind me

of who I am, who I want to be

that push me and hold me close

keep me safe

bring me home

I am grateful for the cold breeze as I write my first 2200 words, keeping the focus, all crisp and inviting


I am grateful for my two cats who keep me company.  They make the otherwise lonely hours kinder and in my focused time - break me out of the trance to come up for air, giving me a fresher, better perspective


I am grateful for sunny gentle mornings when I can lay on my bed, sip a cup of tea, read magazines while my kitties lay beside me

I am grateful for Sophie's dove coo-ing and loving glances as she rolls over to offer me the sacred tummy

I am grateful for Lionel who keeps me constant company at the morning table, the morning pages a play ground for us both


I am grateful for this faded orange journal

for its near forgotten words that welcome me

without hesitation back to the gentle embrace of gratitude

for reminding me of all the love

I am grateful for this dented and stained orange journal

that smells of cellar


hope chest

all at once

NaPoWriMo  Day 22



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