October Poetry Project - Retrospective - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October Poetry Project - Retrospective

This poetry project started with the usual intents and purposes; to set free the Muze in the company of fellow travellers who would share the moments, the visuals, and the feelings of a trip down inspiration road.  I aspired towards the Trifecta - the writing goal of completing two poetry months and ultimately the novel writing month in November.  

And to be honest, I thought it would be easy.  I thought I would just flow with words and revel in recognition.  The theme - love - was about as up my alley as any and yet that is not the direction I went.

I did manage at least a couple times to dress the words in chiffon and lace but for the most part, the Muze wore black.  And nothing I could do would change her out of it.  Not even withholding writing, like dessert from a child who won't touch the broccoli.  So I went with it as the Muze insisted - it was either going to be black (chic or goth) or totally naked and exposed.  And so it was.

The journey continues..... I hope you join me along the way
Embrace imperfection...

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