Circles of Practice - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Circles of Practice

Arriving at my edge, steep and unseen I
Cradle my heart in my arms like a sleeping child
Circling with her, safe and tender and aware, I  
Embrace all the parts of me, bold or buried or broken. I
Place my calloused feet on forgiving ground and
Turn towards where I once dared not 
Allow my heart to leap, each beat calls out -  
Notice your brilliance 
Come through
Embrace what is with love

OctPoWriMo 2018  Day 2 

Acrostic poem inspired following self compassion meditation

*To listen to the guided meditation click ----> Self-Compassion/Loving kindness meditation


  1. what an invitation to explore the mulch of who, how, what we are- thank you

    1. Thank you for reading and oooh mulch, nice word. I am looking forward to sharing the OctPoWriMo journey with you!

  2. a nice combination of victory with peace
