Tasting Menu - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tasting Menu

A childhood palette

fizzing fanta soda - backyard BBQs and laundromat in the square
fingers and lips sticky
 with pink cotton candy
from Whalom park

a copper penny 
popped in quick
 like a bleeding finger 

chaulky chocolate 
squares swallowed
to follow it through

blue otter pops
sucked out plastic tubes
thick whole milk 
sucked through a straw
my throat

sour rubarb stalks gorged
one summer afternoon
heaving burning bile 
one summer midnight

tiny teaberries picked from the woods
sweet lilac blossoms picked from the shrubs
warm blackberries picked from the bushes
all dreamy and luscious 

an explosion of ink from a bic
the explosion of laughter that followed me out of the classroom

an iris leaf - a fresh savory bite with a toxic twist

I never listened
the hunger
the urge
the curiousity
too compelling 
to resist

Based on the prompt to write a poem that uses the form of a list to defamiliarize the mundane

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