...You are a Novelist.....! - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Saturday, November 30, 2013

...You are a Novelist.....!

I near panicked when I opened Evernote today and saw I had 5000 words to reach the goal.  Yes, I procrastinated today.  After my Night Write In, I could not face the bright screen of my laptop. But to my surprise, as soon as I sat down the words began to flow.  1000 in the first hour and I kept up the pace without any signs of slowing.
I crossed the 50K mark just after 11 pm.  Checked in my novel and was awarded a video cheer from the NaNoWriMo org crew. 
It was a good Saturday night.

Fences is not finished, not yet - the story continues, I suspect for another 20-30K or so.  Just when I thought I knew the direction it would take, the character's story would surprise me. I am looking forward to seeing where we all end up.

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