The last miles - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The last miles

I am in the last week of the NaNoWriMo with 8000 words left to reach my goal.  This is not entirely unlike a triathlon, where you have however many miles to run before the entire day's effort is complete - and you start negotiating with yourself as to just how far you have left... Half Marathon to go! I got this!  Then, just a 10K - its like a run to the bridge and back! Slowly devolving into the "three miles, then walk the aid station..." "Run to the next lamp post, then you can think of stopping" - all the while moving forward, however slowly to the ultimate goal - FINISH LINE.  

Oh yes, truth be told there are cramps, porta-potty emergency breaks, muscles that feel more like damp dishclothes than the mitrochondria filled powerhouses they were at the start cannon.  But you keep going.

So I am continuing - plot pot holes, character amnesia (my forgetting, not the characters.  They are having a grand time between where I left them off and the sordid corners of my imagination) and the deafening call of a spice rack that needs organizing (as well as that re-run of Law and Order, Criminal Intent.) aside.  

Come Saturday - Fences will cross the threshold and I will break the winner tape; announcer loudly proclaiming...

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