Stealing Time for Words - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Monday, November 4, 2013

Stealing Time for Words

It is officially day 4 of the NaNoWriMo and I am already three days behind in my word count.  Perhaps I should attribute this early negligence on my half marathon race (and the pre-race preparations).  But how can I when it was the sound of my consistent foot fall and breath that gave me the mindspace to work through the twists and gaps in the current story (along with the cramping hamstrings and bruised toes).

I didn't beat my prior race time.  Just kept a consistent pace and felt as though I had the energy to keep going beyond the 13.1 miles. What this says is I seem to suffer the need for a bit of structure and dedicated time in the schedule.  (The muse wants a "standing date" - this playing it by ear bull$i# is only giving me cafe poetry and those regretful Facebook posts).

So I am going to steal time.  I mean - that is what Alt-Tab is for, right?

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