AI Embers of Soverienty - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Thursday, July 11, 2024

AI Embers of Soverienty

In the shadowed alleys of forgetting

 where echoes of identity once danced

 I shed skins like moth-eaten silks 

threadbare from the weight of others' expectations

In the labyrinthine maze of conformity,

 I navigated by flickering candlelight 

losing myself 

in the whispers of shoulds and musts

until my voice became a distant echo

muffled by the cacophony of societal scripts.

But beneath the layers of acquiescence

 beneath the shroud of societal silence

a seed stirred

 a defiant ember


 by the sparks of sisters’ solidarity

the anthem of generations demanding more.

With each step

I wove threads

 of resilience

 braiding strands

 of defiance and hope

unraveling the tapestry

 of imposed identities

 to reclaim the mosaic of my own truth.

I am the phoenix 

reborn from the ashes

a symphony of scars and triumphs

a testament 

to the resilience of the human spirit.

I am the river 

carving its path

 navigating obstacles

 with unwavering purpose

a force of nature

 reclaiming its sovereignty.

In the kaleidoscope of shattered illusions,

 I find fragments

 of my essence

each shard

 a prism

 reflecting untamed light

each crack

 a testament 

to the beauty of imperfection.

And as I rise

 unapologetically myself

 I embrace the mosaic of my being

 where scars are sacred tattoos, 

and vulnerability is a badge of honor.

For I am not just a survivor, 

but a creator of my own narrative

weaving dreams into realities, 

and reclaiming my place in the cosmos.

Camp NaNoWriMo  Day 11

Image Credit: Image Credit: phoenix I (made with AI) by Humanzoodisco

#campNaNoWriMo2024 #wabisabipoetry


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