Second Thought - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Second Thought

There are times I forget who I am
especially when the annoying
or frightening ones
find me
in the corner
under the grease stained menu
and think I am safe to talk to

They comment on my art
or my daring perhaps scandalous comfort
level at being alone

Nervous twitches

I plot my escape
with a strategically placed credit card
long bare legs angled to the door

I am sure they think I am rude
as I make haste and head out
before exchanges can blossom
numbers given, intentions set

They don’t realize the kindness
I am doing them
For I did not have dessert

Perhaps…on second thought...

Perched over 
the luscious post coitus pause
that sweet trusting place 
of children and dogs

Here, now. open your eyes

as I most willfully, wonderfully
rip your head off
and devour it whole.  

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