Around Again - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Around Again

We walk in circles
finding it

To return to something
after years
and best intentions
slip by

to see how its changed
how you have changed
and yet remain
the same

Centuries pass

The first 
was filled with cold rain
steep climbs 
towards distant goals
pride was born here

the second 
was filled with friendship
strained and stretched
beyond one's comfort
Finding footing 
on the rocky shore
a start but not a finish

the third
was filled with hope
turned familiar fantasy
rolled back 
the shock snap
Releasing regrets

the fourth 
was filled with heartache
loneliness and longing
Seeking distraction
in the newfound

the next
will be

that's what we tell ourselves
as the days roll into years 
the wheels keep spinning
until there is nowhere
left to go

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