Red Ink - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Friday, April 25, 2014

Red Ink

These pages
like myself
broken in by a mistake
no matter how artful or judicious
one tries to correct
to cover up
it will be known

Weave many threads together
to explain
that unfortunate gap in judgment
Or maybe line by line
pull the thread apart
and reveal the raw torn moment
for what it was.

Let it bleed 
all over the sheets
glorious evidence of what was
blank before

Celebrate it
Hang it out the windows with the chinatown laundry
for all to see
This was the first

then after wild revelry
and drunken dance
gather the clothing - honor, respect, worth, love
and put it on.
Bridal white with a wide scarlet sash
and stiletto heels
Tell as many stores
with as many outcomes as you desire

Yes, Words will bounce back
Off gaping wide mouthed walls

Yet at the source
the echo
is breathed in
and exhaled again
as knowing

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