April 30, 2014
BY Jenni Astramowicz
Timetables and ticker tape
iphone itineraries
and a standing date
all predicted, promised
the arrival
of the inevitable train
the steel snake rattling
along slick tracks
a child’s penny fancy
could derail the whole thing
all for a flattened copper
Fare hikes
labor strikes
and the misguided
wave of a drunken conductor
its a wonder if the train would ever get here
let alone
on schedule
Yet at the eleventh hour
on the 30th day
I could see it
as I stood on
the cloud platform
with my many years
of baggage
eager for the arrival
bracing for impact
I close my eyes
when the horns howl closer
The warm gush of air
blows me back
against my fears
I steady myself, brace myself
It is time
Right here, right Now
is the moment
I have been waiting for
My eyes flutter open
and look back
at my luminescence.
and I know
I have arrived.