It is the rare warm San Francisco night, the harvest moon waxing gold low in the sky. It is a perfect night to plot my course for this journey. I am grateful for the other fellow travelers whose footsteps are easy to follow....
- Continue the daily Morning Pages - The Artists Way brought me this far and I feel lost without them.
- Write daily average of 1700 words
October -
- Get Fences to a first edit state of readiness. It is currently at 32K and I am anticipating another 50-70K.
- Wabi-Sabi - continue this exploration project with 1 poem or prose piece per week.
November -
- NaNoMo project - 1700 words per day/50K. This will be the primary writing focus however if so inclined, continue the Wabi-Sabi work.
Dec -
- Continue Wabi-Sabi work
October -
- Complete vision board, plot outline, character sheets for NaNoMo project (title still TBD)
- Any research required for Fences
October -
- clean up Wabi-Sabi work that has been completed prior to ROW80.
- If Fences completes early - begin 1st edit
December -
- Edit Fences and potentially begin edits for NaNoMO project.
- Send Fences to Trusted Reader
Social Media
October -
- Organize blogs and create Master Blog that links works together
- Ongoing - post weekly updates to all blogs; comment on two blogs per week.
- Read 5 novels/novellas
- Read 2 craft books
Writer's Circle
- Evolve the group and establish regular meet-ups.
- Contact Triathlon coach to discuss 2013 goals
- Establish training regimen to prepare for upcoming season
- Yoga 3x per week
- Daily mediation practice
good goals there - all the best with them:)