Intentions - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Sunday, September 30, 2012


It was a fortuitous happenstance that I stumbled upon the A Round of Words in 80 days.  I was itching for a bit of accountability to lure me back to chair (keyboard, notebook) and NaNoMo is a month away.  A fellow traveler wants to start her novel journey in October but this seemed too soon for me.  Especially considering that I have an unfinished work that I would prefer to get to a first edit state before moving on.

So on this eve of the next ROW80 (and flush with the emotional hangover that a Harvest Moon brings), I want to state my intentions.

I intend to live my life as a writer - and by that I mean write, every day, regardless of the forum.  I intend to view the world and my experiences as the garden from which I can determine my produce.  I intend to refer to myself in this fashion, without hesitation and perhaps even a bit of pride. And to not question this calling or render it less worthy than whatever else is thrown at me.

1 comment:

  1. Fellow Traveler,

    It is indeed scary and new territory for me. But it is definitely an adventure.

