It was the night before I planned to race a local half marathon (with a broken toe, not wise) that I decided I would do whatever it takes to bring the words. Divining, rain dances - hell, I even washed my car. And this morning, when the alarm went off, I pulled on my running shoes, felt the sharp twang in my toe and decided not to race but instead write.
And as of now, I am caught up and aiming to exceed my word count goals (with hours left in the night and a full pot of tea waiting)
And so begins my delve into the madness of Van Gogh Latte
"And while the paths of the brain are plainly visible, its ways deceptively apparent, its destinations are unknown. Its secrets still secret. And, if we are honest, it is the lure of the labyrinth that draws us to our chosen field to unlock those secrets. Others have been here before us and have left us signs, but we, as explorers of the mind, must devote our lives and energies to going further to tread the unknown corridors in order to find ultimately, the final solution. We have to see, we have to know..."
Hellbound: Hellraiser II
It is not hands that summon us (the Muzez). It is desire.