Eve of Words - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Eve of Words

Tomorrow begins my quest to write a novel in a month.  50K words in 30 days. 

As I sit here contemplating a month of words, I am faced with the ever familiar dilema - what to write.  Sometimes it is just a matter of sitting down, of putting pen to paper, fingers to keyboard.  Or the scavenger hunt for the elusive "time" to write.  Hints of it, in retrospect after a day long Orange is the New Black or Game of Thrones binge, or that aching longing for it, in dull meetings or frustrating circular conversations with co-workers.  Yet when I get down to the task at hand, notions and inspiration leave the building.  And I am left to fixate on things that are equal parts frustrating and compelling...

Finish Fences - The 2013 NaNoWriMo winner - a story well underway but with at least 50K to reach a first edit worthy ending.  Would be nice in light of the my other life-quests to finish something I started.

Delve into the madness of Van Gogh Latte - a story spanning a few thousand words that would wind its way through manic obsession and psychotic breakdown (the main character, not the author - one would hope)

Instead I am opting for A novel Novel - one I have likened to Jodi Picoult meets Stephen King.   

Time to take a deep breath and jump in... Won't you join me?

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