November 2019 - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Saturday, November 30, 2019

In the Books
November 30, 20190 Comments

Another writing challenge in the proverbial books  (though I am still waiting for one to actually evolve into that published form).  This adventure was more about getting lost, finding a way, then losing it again and eventually relinquishing all attachment to any bearings.

So I will wander this winter - deeper into the wood -  for the trees are waiting
waiting for words

Again, you're gone
Off on a different path than mine
I'm left behind
Wondering if I should follow
You had to go
And, of course, it's always fine
I probably could catch up with you tomorrow

But is this what it feels like
To be growing apart?
When did I become the one
Who's always chasing your heart?

Now I turn around and find
I am lost in the woods
North is south, right is left
When you're gone
I'm the one who sees you home
But now I'm lost in the woods
And I don't know what path you are on
I'm lost in the woods

- Lost in the Woods
Lyrics by Jonathan Groff

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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Hobbling along
November 07, 20190 Comments

I have found that whenever I approach something from a place of absolute certainty, dare I even say with a degree of hubris, the Universe (or in this case, the Muze) decides to show me who is boss.  Now I am a beggar in front of the keyboard (ok ok, yes at times on the chaise watching youtube videos) pleading for the smallest inspiration. 

It does not help that I spent October in a month long poetry project and not outlining, plotting or planning my novel.  And other than the title, I do not care for much of what I have written. 

It is ironic - my story's theme is one of the woods and here I am lost... so what do I do?

Do I change directions?  Just keep going?  Do I stop, collapse on the forest floor of my mind-space and wait to be devoured, literary carrion?  What about Jason.... Or worse - Annie Wilkes??

Time to just write.  Maybe the way forward is through...

“We all have forests on our minds. Forests unexplored, unending. Each one of us gets lost in the forest, every night, alone.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin

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Friday, November 1, 2019

National Novel Writing Month
November 01, 20190 Comments

The quest to write a novel... 50,000 or more words... in one month.

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) - something I stumbled across some five years ago while attending a coaching certification program, has become an end of the year tradition.  One where I spend more time with words, with characters and the trouble they get into than the people I interact with in my daily life.  

It is an all-consuming test of endurance - this jaunt across the far reaches of the imagination.  To keep writing, even when the words lag, the eyes droop and the call of Dexter reruns is as strong as the need itself. 

Join me on this wild adventure

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