Wicked Good - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Friday, April 13, 2018

Wicked Good

I went to the L'il Peach
the other day
to buy myself
a purpose

the man behind
the counter culture
a price

That will cost you
 a lash
a snot

to which I replied

you are purring down the right mushroom!

So I paid 
in cash
on the spot

NaPoWriMo/GloPoWriMo 2018 - Day 13

Based on the prompt to write a poem in which the words or meaning of a familiar phrase get up-ended

an arm and a leg
barking up the wrong tree


  1. I love it! Made me laugh out loud. The odd expressions added to the friendliness of the banter and you could image the two of you smiling as you went back and forth. Also loved that you referenced Massachusetts, Wicked Good and Lil' Peach. Made it feel like you were at home, talking with a good friend or at least a store owner you have know for many years.
