T'is the Season - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Monday, April 4, 2016

T'is the Season

For first tiny stockings
all knit and purled
as leaves golden and crimson
sugar dusted in gentle first snow fall

For warm eve gatherings
games and gifts
giggles and gimlets
and cream cheese stuffed celery
peace be with you wishes

For heavy laden stockings
leaned up the kitchen wall
with oranges
 comic and lifesaver books

For coffee tables crowded with
curled clove candy
french rolled chocolates
and bowls full of nuts

For I love you
and forever
and peace be with you


Grief denied for pretense and presents and the saving of face
christmas mourning year after year


Convincing your mother
that you loved the parker, the boots
best of all
her newly sober sobbing
saying this was all she got
all you got
in the singlewide winter that year


Being told
two days from your ninth birthday...

Being told
that despite your begging and pleading and praying
that they took
your sunshine away

Peace be with you

Inspired by NaPoWriMo2016's Day 4 prompt: write a poem about what you think is the cruelest month

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