November 04, 2012
BY Jenni Astramowicz1
When I was at the retreat a couple weeks ago one of my colleagues Hallie stated she could not avoid the orange in her life. This plagued her - orange is her least favorite color and yet it was showing up everywhere, in the intention stone she chose, in the mandala she created, even in scarves she danced with. This became synonymous with getting "called out" by the universe.
Now orange happens to be my FAVORITE color - I seek it in the glow of a sky blue pink sunset or the blush of an early autumn sunrise. I pick out all the orange gummy bears from the squirmy pile of gelatinous goodness and devour them all (those who know me expect this). My good luck t-shirt that I wear race morning in Nice is a vibrant pumpkin statement to the world - It reads:
Je fais ce que je veux - I do what I want. It is the color of happiness and creativity.
Which brings me to the current state of affairs. I am day four into the NaNoWriMo and after a ball busting sprint the first night (3500 words, two novels) I am finding myself gasping for creative air, hoping the burning sensation in my fingers and bottom will pass. I am being true though - and like a lover I am not keeping my muse waiting. I am showing up. Now if the words would just flow.
I am thinking I need a talisman, a something that will put me write (pun intended).
Like with Hallie, this morning I was being called forth, chasing and being chased by orange. Neon orange to be specific - the race t-shirt for the US Half Marathon that I competed in is a vibrant day glow garment that most of the women wore during the race. I am a tad supersistious - I wear my Training for Ironman France shirt for my running races, and even if I wanted to wear something else I adhere to the #1 rule in athletic competitions. Nothing new race day. So my t-shirt was folded neatly in the drawer waiting to make its maiden voyage another day. But when I returned home (after a fantastic race, with stiff legs and sweaty braids threatening to evolve into dreadlocks) I pulled it out to take a picture of it with my race number and medal. Spying the color if it instantly warmed my heart and ran a chill down my spine. I know this shirt will have more uses than just a run along the bay. I will be pulling it on to evoke the muse and when it is just too damned hot to wear (November is when SF has its Indian Summer) I will hang it by my desk to draw down some of its zing.
It is the write thing to do...
Check in:
Faithful morning pages - except for today since I had to leave the house at 6 am for the race. I will return to them this evening and resume tomorrow morning,
NaNoWriMo - since I could not decide on which storyline to go with, I decided to do both.
As of right now, I have written 3800 words for Louche (working title) and 1800 for Kraig's List. A little behind schedule. The day is not over yet though!
Wabi-Sabi - have not written up the poems into the blog yet.. Will see if I get to that this week otherwise I may opt to revise some goals to just focus on the novel efforts
This upcoming week I plan to read more of the other participant blogs (as well as others) and comment.
Orange you glad?
Now orange happens to be my FAVORITE color - I seek it in the glow of a sky blue pink sunset or the blush of an early autumn sunrise. I pick out all the orange gummy bears from the squirmy pile of gelatinous goodness and devour them all (those who know me expect this). My good luck t-shirt that I wear race morning in Nice is a vibrant pumpkin statement to the world - It reads:
Je fais ce que je veux - I do what I want. It is the color of happiness and creativity.
Which brings me to the current state of affairs. I am day four into the NaNoWriMo and after a ball busting sprint the first night (3500 words, two novels) I am finding myself gasping for creative air, hoping the burning sensation in my fingers and bottom will pass. I am being true though - and like a lover I am not keeping my muse waiting. I am showing up. Now if the words would just flow.
I am thinking I need a talisman, a something that will put me write (pun intended).
Like with Hallie, this morning I was being called forth, chasing and being chased by orange. Neon orange to be specific - the race t-shirt for the US Half Marathon that I competed in is a vibrant day glow garment that most of the women wore during the race. I am a tad supersistious - I wear my Training for Ironman France shirt for my running races, and even if I wanted to wear something else I adhere to the #1 rule in athletic competitions. Nothing new race day. So my t-shirt was folded neatly in the drawer waiting to make its maiden voyage another day. But when I returned home (after a fantastic race, with stiff legs and sweaty braids threatening to evolve into dreadlocks) I pulled it out to take a picture of it with my race number and medal. Spying the color if it instantly warmed my heart and ran a chill down my spine. I know this shirt will have more uses than just a run along the bay. I will be pulling it on to evoke the muse and when it is just too damned hot to wear (November is when SF has its Indian Summer) I will hang it by my desk to draw down some of its zing.
It is the write thing to do...
Check in:
Faithful morning pages - except for today since I had to leave the house at 6 am for the race. I will return to them this evening and resume tomorrow morning,
NaNoWriMo - since I could not decide on which storyline to go with, I decided to do both.
As of right now, I have written 3800 words for Louche (working title) and 1800 for Kraig's List. A little behind schedule. The day is not over yet though!
Wabi-Sabi - have not written up the poems into the blog yet.. Will see if I get to that this week otherwise I may opt to revise some goals to just focus on the novel efforts
This upcoming week I plan to read more of the other participant blogs (as well as others) and comment.
Orange you glad?