My red plastic cup with straw attached
so perfect for blowing a frantic froth of milky bubbles
My orange creamsicle coverlet
a snuggly soft security blanket
keeping me safe even as it, like life, unravelled
My menagerie
a wild bounty of stuffies -
bears, bunnies, kittens and frogs
all cuddly and cozy and love
My kitties
All kitties
Sunny, Coco, Dum Dum, Grover, Speedy, Sweet Lady and her sweet babies, Sebastian, Peppermint, Missy, Dog, Squeaky, even the bite-y bastard Merlin, Moses, Ivy, Sunny, Sasha, Riff-Raff, Scratch, Sniff, Sassafras, Snoozie (Paresseuse), Carlos, Eclypse
Onyx & Opal
November Poetry Project
14 of 30
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