Fool's Observation on Love, Life and Heinous Fuckery - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Monday, April 19, 2021

Fool's Observation on Love, Life and Heinous Fuckery

 How is it, that what was once coveted is now invisible
as if your hairless sagging sack has any precious gems
to offer.

I offer my best insecurities for your tasting pleasure 
and watch you gag on your own spit

Oh how cruel it is - to remember
and in the same breath
be forgotten

“Love? Sodding, bloody, tossing, bloody, sodding, bloody love? Irrelevant, superfluous, bloody, ruddy, rotten, sodding love? What ho? Wherefore? What the f*ck? Love?”

a ghost is one thing

the glimmer of a shade

you can hire help 

to rid yourself of this nuisance

a zombie, is another matter

slurping sucking at your mind

with the insane notion

that the skank change

would be 


a zombie ghost

well - this bloody fuckstocking

just drop kicks you

like that clay red



upside the head


“Oh, we are but soft and squishy bags of mortality rolling in a bin of sharp circumstance, leaking life until we collapse, flaccid, into our own despair..”

Circle speak

to me


I love 

words trumpeted

from your pie hole

like gaseous anal emissions

intent on disarming

any believers

when you point


I know

the charm of making

keep talking 

I will summon the dragon

she brings

the pear

of anguish

“Ydych chi'n cymryd cerdynnau credid?" said the highwayman, no doubt trying to frighten me further, his consonants chained like anal beads strung out of hell's own bunghole.”



NaPoWriMo Day 19

Based on the prompt to write a humorous rant

*Quotes courtesy of Writer Most Humorous and Wonderful - Christopher Moore's novel, Fool

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