Accidia - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


I witnessed
a murder
the other day
while sipping tea
staring blankly
out the window

I stood
up to stretch
a glance
of the crime 
hazy smeared
framed with mold black

I cupped my mug
when they mobbed
the brown one
when they slammed her down
to the grease stained
taking turns
kicking and twisting
her body

For the tiniest moment
I wondered...
what was she doing here?
She does not belong here...
Did they attack her 
because her kind
has destroyed 
their homes
their families
taken the lives of their children
in the maw of her own beliefs?
Does that justify
the murderous actions?

Self preservation a serpant 
swallowing its tale

I shrug
then turn away
to get more tea

Day 4 

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