March 2014 - The Wabi-Sabi Writer

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014
March 26, 20141 Comments
It is the eve of the NaPoWriMo - National Poetry Writing Month - where you commit to writing one poem a day for the month of April.  It is also the eve of April Fools Day (or in France, “poisson d'avril” (April Fish) where they put a paper fish on an unsuspecting person's back akin to the "Kick Me" signs from our youth.

Fitting, I think.  Given that to make this goal I am sure to 
produce things that I would (and I am sure others would agree)  best consider "jokes".  So with this in mind, on the 
eve of this writing endevour, I am adding a standard disclaimer...

That the work contained under the label NaPoWriMo 2014 are all drafts and most I suspect will be in need of serious surgical or even supernatural revision (in drastic cases, termination).  I am hoping that by doing this, I will be working out the poetry writing muscles (Ok more like strengthening the tendons and connective tissues to eventually sustain muscle growth).  

Comments/feedback is welcome as this is a training experience.  Just be sure to not hit too hard when slapping the carp to my spine.

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